5 Things A Broad and A Brit Can’t Live Without

Hiya lovelies!

Are there things in your life that you cannot live without? I’m not talking about the most basic of needs like morning coffee and a good sleep but the elements that feed your soul. The ones that give you pure joy and help you feel like everything is manageable (most days).

We set ourselves the challenge of trying to come up with our list of must haves and at the beginning it was hard! We were kind of surprised. Most of the items felt mundane but once we got over that initial hump the ideas kept coming.

Once we each had a good list, we compared them, and these are the things that made the final edit!

1. Color

Well, nobody should be surprised about this one. Hehe. There is nothing like the spark of happiness when walking into a space perfectly balance with color. Now that our Snug is painted, every time I walk into that space, I feel joy. It is weird to look at pictures of the space before it was painted because it feels so empty. We love the science behind how colors can affect your mood and create atmospheres for particular spaces. There is nothing color can’t do!

2. Nature

This one is probably not a surprise at all either. Matthew and I both love being out in the garden, going for walks, watching birds and insects, creating dynamic spaces with flowers and stones and everything else nature has to offer. We miss being able to have this experience so much during the winter that this year we really focused on taking care of our indoor plants. We also added a bunch of flowering bulbs into the indoor garden this year as well which has helped immensely. The pick me up from having your hands in dirt is unlike any other.

3. Projects

This one is for Matthew. If he could, he would have a project started in every room and outdoor space. He would jump around from project to project only focusing on the particular one he was inspired by. Alas, his wife makes him (or tries to!) finish a task before taking on the new project. Don’t think that Waite is not as bad! She loves brainstorming and designing projects and our to do list of new ideas will never end. There is nothing like the accomplishment once you are finished though.

4. Coziness

This one is for Waite. We were in town over the Christmas period and outside a shop someone was creating a list of all the things passerbys were thankful for. Everyone had written the classic things like family, friends, our home, cats, dogs, etc. So, Matthew put down Unimog (one of his vehicles) and Waite chose coziness. It may sound kinda weird but isn’t that the most comforting feeling? We design our house around the desire to be cozy and wee definitely could not live without it.

5. Laughter

Alright so this one is abstract but absolutely a must have. Even when times are hard, you feel drained and nothing is coming out the way it should – a little laughter goes a long way. Hopefully there is someone in your life whether it is a partner, friend, family member or hey maybe your favorite tv show, that makes you laugh. It may be a small thing, but laughter can have a huge effect on the niggles and big stuff in this wild thing we call life.

There you go – our 5 things we cannot live without! I wonder if we did this in ten years would our answers be the same or different? Well, we shall see.

If you found this fun, then you should definitely take the time to create your own list. It was really interesting to see what stood out and what did not.

Obviously, our favorite taco recipe would be on this list, but we decided to skip that as it’s basically a necessity.

If you do make a list, then we’d love to know what you put on it! We love hearing from you all. <3

XX Waite and Matthew

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