Five Charming Features of Our Old Home

Hello there, friends!

This summer at our home has been so glorious that it’s made me fall in love with the space all over again. There are certain elements that are really close to my heart and those parts have been around for centuries.

Living in an old house comes with trials and tribulations but I wouldn’t have it any other way because the old house appeal far outweighs anything else. Want to see the five most charming features of our home? Let’s jump in!

1. Steep Stairs

I have always wanted to live in a home with two staircases and then when I saw this original staircase and how steep it was, I knew this was my home. Back in the day (our house was built in the late 1700s) they made sure no space was wasted therefore super steep stairs and tons of space for storage underneath.

2. Random Windows

Throughout the years, our home has been many different things (an inn, post office, pub, etc.) which means that with each iteration new additions or layout have been made. Those changes have led to fun little features such as windows in odd places. For example, this window is in the wall that connects our bathroom to the hallway but once separated the post office from the rest of the barn.

3. Bubbly Glass

Depending on who you talk to (and maybe which season it is) you’ll get a different opinion about old windows. The bubbly glass and charm of old windows are amazing, but they can be hard to open and very drafty. We are lucky to have an even split of old windows and new windows – that way we get the charm and the heat to stay inside!

4. Bread Oven

One of my favorite features! Matthew also loves showing this to everyone that comes to visit. The center chimney is original and the room that was the kitchen has a beautiful cooking fireplace with a bread oven. We have yet to cook in it but it will be a fun adventure when we do!

5. Reading Nook

This is such a special space for so many reasons! We love when our nephews are here so they can play in that space, Rem loves napping up there on the bed, Sherpa likes to spend time there overlooking her kingdom and I love reading a book while Matthew cooks. It’s the perfect hang out with people but also be away space – who could ask for more!

There you go, our five favorite old house features. Do you have a favorite? Let us know in the comments – we’d love to hear from you!


Waite and Matthew

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