A Broad and A Brit Now Offer Consultations!

Why hi there, friends!

Guess what? Along with the newest launch of our monthly home décor gift box — we are now offering A Broad and A Brit consulting services!

We are so excited to announce that you can now book online or in person meetings where we can help you with any project big or small.

If you have a small design question, like room color or floorplan layout we can do a onetime consult. Or if you have a big house project we can build in weekly meetings! We can also help with brainstorming garden plans or inspiration. Check out the kinds of services we have below:


In Person Interior Consultation:

If you are local to the NH area, we can come to you! We would love to meet in person even if it is a quick onetime meeting. If it is a bigger project, then all the better to see it in person. We have experience in a variety of projects, so nothing is too big or too small! Email abroadandabrit.com to set up a consultation, ask any questions, or inquiry about rates.


–Design Tweaks: This package would be a one-time visit to your home to help with decision making for a small project. This would be perfect for a color consultation, furniture layout, bookshelf design or solving what to do with small problem spaces.

–Individual Room: This package includes multiple visits to your home and the start to finish creation of a room. We start out with brainstorming the room, color palettes and furniture layout. Then we help with selecting soft furnishings, pieces of furniture, and décor. We would finish this by installing the room once the design process is complete.

–Full Service: This package would be for an entire home whether it is a redesign or a new build. The process would be the same as what we offer for the individual room but include the whole house. No decision is too small – ranging from color and fabric choices to large furniture pieces to installation.


 Online Interior Consultation:

We know that not everyone who would want our help lives in our area and that’s fine! That is why we are also offering online consultations. We can jump on a zoom call for an hour to discuss everything you want to pack into that time. Or we can come up with a schedule to take on a bigger project through multiple meetings. Email abroadandabrit.com to set up a consultation, ask any questions, or inquiry about rates.


–Design Tweaks: This package would be a one-time zoom consultation to help with decision making for a small project. This would be perfect for a color consultation, furniture layout, bookshelf design or solving what to do with small problem spaces.

–Individual Room: This package includes multiple zoom consult meetings and the start to finish creation of a room. We start out with brainstorming the room, color palettes and furniture layout. Then we help with selecting soft furnishings, pieces of furniture, and décor. We would finish this by working via zoom with an installation team once the design process is complete.

–Full Service: This package would be for an entire home whether it is a redesign or a new build. The process would be the same as what we offer for the individual room but include all the whole house. No decision too small – ranging from color and fabric choices to large furniture pieces to installation consultation via zoom.


In Person Garden Consultation:

 Similar to our in person interior consultation we are also doing the same kind of offer for garden consultations. If you would like help with your garden locally in NH, then we would be happy to come over and brainstorm with you. We can help with small garden ideas, inspiration, or whole garden plans. Email abroadandabrit.com to set up a consultation, ask any questions, or inquiry about rates.


–Quick Tips- This package can be done via zoom no matter where you are! We can help with ideas for plantings, types of plant consultation, layout of the garden, other general questions and inspiration.

–Onsite- This package includes one visit to your garden. We will walk around brainstorming and giving ideas for spaces. We can also build in time to go over plant questions as well. While onsite we would do a Soil PH test – this is helpful when the time comes for building a landscape design.

–Preplanned- This package would be perfect for after an onsite consultation and you want us to create a detailed garden plan. We would take all the design ideas and inspiration from the onsite meeting and create a landscape plan. This would include a layout design, planting suggestions, hardscaping ideas, etc.


Online Garden Consultation:

We also offer online garden consultations for those that live far away. We can help with most projects from a zoom call and the comfort of our own homes. If it is a onetime brainstorm call or a larger project that needs multiple calls, we will help however we can. Email abroadandabrit.com to set up a consultation, ask any questions, or inquiry about rates.



–Quick Tips- This package can be done via zoom no matter where you are! We can help with ideas for plantings, types of plant consultation, layout of the garden, other general questions and inspiration.

–Onsite- This package includes one zoom consult in your garden. We will virtually walk around with you to brainstorming and giving ideas for spaces. We can also build in time to go over plant questions as well. We would make sure you have the tools to do a Soil PH test – this is helpful when the time comes for building a landscape design.

–Preplanned- This package would be perfect for after an Onsite package consultation and you want us to create a detailed garden plan. We would take all the design ideas and inspiration from the onsite meeting and create a landscape plan. This would include a layout design, planting suggestions, hardscaping ideas, etc.


Have any questions about our new consultations? Feel free to reach out to us via a comment, email, or on our social media. We’d love to hear from you!




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