A Broad and A Brit Recap of 2021 and looking forward to 2022

Hello friends! Happy New Year!

Since 2021 is now over and we are in 2022 we thought we would talk about all the accomplishments and finished projects we checked off our list. Then we would share a couple things we would like to tackle in the year of 2022.

In the beginning of 2021, we painted our Mast bedroom green and let me tell you, that was a major catalyst for more changes. I then immediately felt like the snug needed to be painted to balance out the deep green of the connecting bedroom. It did not take long for us to choose the paint color and pop it on the snug walls.


We then decided to focus on some garden projects – creating stonewalls, our courtyard garden, starting the wildflower garden and brainstorming the beginning of the cottage garden out front. Every new design of the garden leads onto bigger and better ideas! It is near impossible to stop imagining new ways of adding details to the garden spaces.

Matt with Stone

One of our biggest accomplishments was launching the website and deciding to build our Instagram. It was a big leap of faith and we are so thankful we did it! We have met the loveliest bunch of people and have enjoyed having such a lovely creative outlet and community.

Matt and Waite

We also loved being able to share our love of thrifted, antique and secondhand items with our new friends. It has been a joy seeing other treasures that you all have found and being able to share stories of finding the best objects with peeps who would totally get the excitement.

Thrifted Items

Other top things were moving around our furniture as much as we did, arranging as many flower bouquets throughout the seasons, starting our weekly design series, taking care of our 1700s home as it continues to age, finishing our guest room projects, creating some fabulous wreaths, and learning and experimenting more with taking photos of our home.

floral Bouquet

I’m sure I missed a few projects and there was of course all the work done on the deck, mudroom and laundry room. But I’m not counting those as we are not fully finished with them yet. But! We are able to do the balance of most of it in the winter so I’m looking forward to finally being able to share that project with you.

Matt with Tea

As for 2022 we have a huge list, of course! We are looking forward to creating the pantry and powder room, finishing the stonewalls and creating a bigger garden, growing our community here and of course sharing more thrifted finds. Hopefully adding them to our emporium!

Thrift Shelves

Do you have projects or goals for 2022? We would love to hear them so we can cheer you on!

Any questions about our 2021 or the new year? Comment below – we’d love to hear from you!



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