To understand Matthew and mine’s travel plans for 2021 it is important to have backstory about us and how 2020 affected our plans.
2020 was our 10 year wedding anniversary and we had made elaborate plans to have a recommitment ceremony in England. We got married in 2010 with a very small wedding at my parent’s house on Lake Champlain in VT. So we decided that 10 years was a good excuse to have a big party and bring our loved ones back to England. We booked a phenomenal venue, found cottages to stay in, made flight reservations and then…COVID happened.
To say that put a wrench in our plans doesn’t quite cover it.
We are so lucky that we are healthy and safe. We are very thankful that is the case.
It is easy to go through life and make all these intentions for the future and 5-year plans and think that there won’t be unexpected things that pop up and change it all around. Well, I think this past year has really taught us to be very aware of that.
We had originally rescheduled the ceremony for 2021 but we’ve already changed it 2022 because of everything that is still going on. 12 years is a nicer rounder number, right?
We still plan to go back to England this year and hopefully soon! We have so much family to see and it would be lovely to hug them. I would also love to see some new places and explore more of England. If we get a chance, I will surely keep you posted!