Come and Plan Our Cottage Garden with Us

Hello friends!

It’s that time of year where it’s too cold to do anything outside in the garden so we spend time planning out the new projects. It’s a way of living vicariously through our imaginations until all this snow is gone.

We have mentioned this project before, so it is not completely new, but we thought it would be helpful to have all the information in one place for reference later. Also, it will be fun to compare this post with the finished product once we are done.

Did you know we were creating a cottage garden in our front yard? We have had this idea for about a year now and have been waiting for Matthew to finish the stonewall before starting the garden portion.

Let’s discuss the details of the garden plan so that you all can experience it through your imaginations.

1. Our Inspiration

We wanted this part of the garden to feel packed with plants in a wild, unorganized and classic cottage look. We knew that when the stonewalls and pathway were finished, the space would create a natural area for the flowerbeds. I could not find one image that had exactly what we are imagining but the feeling of all three of these images are correct. We have an entire moodboard on our Pinterest (hyperlink cottage garden ideas Pinterest board) if you would like the see more images.

2. Dream Layout

Okay, so this is the quickest of sketches (I really should have had Matthew do it) so forgive the fact that it looks like a school child did it, but it does give you an idea of the exact layout we want. There will be a gate and arbor in between the two stonewalls. Then a large pathway leading up to the front stoop and door. Off of that pathway there will be two smaller gravel paths that will make it easier to weed and take care of the plants in the middle of the bed.

3. Perfect Cottage Plants

I am a pencil and paper kind of gal, so I enjoy making lists and being able to cross them off when they are accomplished. I broke the kinds of plants into four groups — annual seeds, annual plants, perennial seeds and perennial plants. We will have a true wildflower meadow so I did not include a bunch of wildflower seeds but some I could not resist. The flowers we are most excited for are lavenders, delphiniums, roses, bee balm, lady’s mantle, sea holly, snapdragons, lupine, canterbury bells, catmint and daisies.

4. Steps to Create It

So, what do we have left to do with this project to get it done? Well, Matthew needs to finish up the stonework which will probably be an all spring and summer long project. We have to have Matthew take his time on this project to protect his back. Then we will bring in a couple tons of soil because we need fresh soil for all the new flowers. After that we put the gravel paths in to match the drip edge and the gravel buffer on the back of the stonewall. Finally, we get to plant up the space, erect the arbor, and put in the front gate. We will plant the flowers with enough space so that in a couple years they will be nice and full!

Can you imagine the whole thing now? We think this project will enclose the garden nicely and give a stunning barrier between the house and the road.

What do you think of it? Let us know in the comments – we’d love to hear from you!


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