Hi friends!
Waite here and I’m so excited to share the tips in this blog post with you.
When my sister was visiting a couple weeks ago, she was asking me about the process of designing a space. She was looking at finished spaces and falling into the comparison trap of feeling like she couldn’t get her bouse to that level. Let me tell you – she (and you) can!”
After realizing that is where her brain was headed, we talked about how finished spaces can trick you into thinking that it is hard to decorate.
Nope, it’s not.
It is a process. It is an experience. And the more you practice the better you become. Actually, it is not something you become. Let’s try again. The more you decorate the more you know yourself and how to express yourself. Which that is what designing interiors is all about! Self expression.
So, back to the process, that can sound scary right? Okay, I get that. That is why I came up with this post. I will break down a couple tips that can help you begin that process and keep you focused while moving through the design experience.
Here we go!
Have a Color Palette
Alright, so let me start with the fact that there are different levels to this one. Whether you have tons of mood boards with inspiration or just a couple favorite colors – both are great! Just do what works for you. Does having to put a mood board together stress you out, don’t do it! Instead think about your favorite outfit and the colors that are in that. There you go, you have a color palette to start with.
When you have a color palette while decorating a space it helps keep you narrowed in and therefore you don’t get as overwhelmed when looking at all the options. Also, allow yourself a couple neutrals that match your palette but aren’t included in the palette itself.
Another important aspect with the color palette is the patterns of fabrics within a space. The way to balance those is to have at least two of your palette colors in the one fabric. Try to find at least one item with all the colors and bonus points if that is your focal point in the room.
Also, there is important ways to balance multiple patterns in one room. Another post for another time!
Don’t Fall into a Design Trend
In the past, I have been guilty of this one. It’s hard not too with all the design stores pushing certain trends so this one will take practice.
The biggest downfall of trends is that they fade fast, and your home will look dated quickly. This means you will have to redo your spaces often wasting money and time.
But Waite, we love redoing our home.
I do too! I’m just not down with waste, so if you buy items that aren’t trendy you can mix and remix to your heart’s content and they will always look fab.
If you do end up with trendy piece, like we did in our bedroom, the way to make it work in your space is balance. Try to only have 1-3 pieces with the rest of the items bringing in other themes, designs and feels. For example, we have thrifted accent furniture, artwork and will be getting more traditional curtains to redefine the space.
It’s Not Perfect on the First Try
This one is so important. Very rarely will you ever get the design of a space right on the first go. That’s the fun part! We get to try again and experiment with the room.
This is the one my sister was getting stuck on. She would look at the dressing table in the guest room and think, but I can’t get it like that. Well here comes my favorite term ever, you gotta faff about. What I mean is you have to try it one way and then tweak it over and over. Stepping back and taking it all in every time. That is having a good faff. It may feel like a waste of time but really it is productive.
Like I said in the intro, designing a space takes time and you will get into a grove over time. The same goes with styling and staging small spaces such as bookshelves or dressing tables. The more you cultivate your personal style the quicker you become.
When in Doubt – Add Plants or Flowers
I have always wanted bouquets of flowers all over my house. My friends and I have said that if we became millionaires, we would have bouquets upon bouquets delivered to our house on the daily.
A relatively sparse spot in a room can look fantastic with a well-placed vase or potted plant.
We are recent converts to the potted plant as our previous cats of 16 years would have ransacked those plants every moment they could. Our new kitty leaves most of them alone and we are counting that as a win.
One thing I love about potted plants is they can be various sizes and layer in corners or areas of a room so well. Our mantles, above our fridge and on chairs are some of our favorite creative spots for plants.
Also, I get having plants is not everyone’s reality whether it be kiddos, animals or keeping them alive. There are some really great faux ones out there and I fully support using those when you can’t use real ones.
If You Love It – Get It
I am finishing with the most important tip – if you love the item then buy it. There is nothing like the true joy you get from being around something that you love.
The best items to do this with are flexible pieces. What I mean by that is something that can be used in multiple ways — such as crates, ottomans, baskets, books, and lamps.
If the object does not break the bank, you love it and are not sure where you are going to put it then just get it.
You will find a spot for it — especially if you enjoy moving your house around as much as I do.
We have purchased chairs, artwork, and trinkets without knowing where we were going to put them. Once you get them home the new items can inspire all kinds of rearranging or creative solutions.
When I inevitably move our house around then that is when that random piece, I fell in love with takes center stage in the new layout.
That’s it! There are our five tips that will help you start designing your spaces to reflect your true character. Did you find these tips helpful? Do you think we missed anything? Leave it in the comments below – we’d love to hear from you.
XO A Broad and A Brit