The Best Way to Make Your Outdoor Furniture Shine

Hello friends!

It is the time of year where we get to celebrate doing the drudgery work! There is nothing like cleaning off all your outside furniture so that you can get right back outside to enjoy it.

We prefer to do the work in the spring when we bring everything out as opposed to doing it in the Fall. We find the excitement of finally being able to use it again helps with the whole process!

Last year we also found something else to help –a product we will share about later in this post.

Alright let’s grab our furniture and get started!

This is what we started with when we first bought these chairs. Not terrible, but also not as good as they could be, right? They were a deal, so a little mold and mildew was worth every penny.

When we first started cleaning the chairs, we did an arm breaking amount of scrubbing with hot water and soap and nothing was working. That was until we found Starbrite! Matthew had used it on our boat before and knew it was the tool to do the job.

I mean, look at this! It is unbelievable how much mold and mildew it just dissolved in no time and with no scrubbing. My shoulder and arms were very thankful!

Here is a side-by-side image of one chair before the product and one chair after using Starbrite on it. Even with no scrubbing and just one use it did wonders!

Want to see how it goes from a dirty chair to a clean one? Watch this!

Isn’t that incredible? We are super thankful that we found this product and wanted to share it with you so that you can ease your cleaning slog and get back to relishing and relaxing outdoors.

Just a side note, we are not being paid for this but genuinely thought it could be helpful for you all! 

Let us know if you end up using Starbrite and if it works just as well for you! We’d love to hear from you – say hi in the comments!


Waite and Matthew

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