Tips for Gallery Walls

Hello friends!

Last weekend when Waite was visiting her sister, they had a blast moving furniture around, organizing things and putting up some pictures.

Waite’s sister (Hi Sabrina!) had put up some items to create a gallery wall but was not happy with how it turned out. She had been racking her brain about what the issue was, but it wasn’t until we were together that we figured it out.

That made Waite think that there may be other people out there that could use the same tips that we came up with. So here we go!


1.Differ the Sizes

This is the best one to start with because you have to make sure that you have a variation of items before trying to put them together. Pull together different sizes and various shapes of the pieces you are looking to lay out on the wall. On the flip side try to repeat each size twice!


2. Proportion to the Wall Space

The next thing to consider is the size of the wall space you are putting the items on. You want to make sure that there is a good amount of empty wall space on either side of the gallery wall. That way it will feel all balanced!


3. Break the Lines

This one may be the biggest tip we will give. It is super important to make sure that the edges of the frames don’t stay in line. You want to break the lines so that every frame is at a different level and height of the gallery space.


4. Change up Textures

We are a fan of not only having pictures or artwork in the gallery walls but also textures such as baskets, woven pieces or plants. Those items create a spot for your eyes to rest and also to easily bring in new shapes for the wall. 


That’s it! Did any of those tips help you? Let us know which one was your favorite in the comments.


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