What to do When you Have a Creative Block

Hello friends!

We all know the dreaded creators block whenever we are trying to design, write, create or plan. Hey, even I got it while trying to write this post – isn’t that ironic? Hehe. I figured if I sometimes struggle with mental block for the content I create, then I am sure others do as well.

Every day I have some kind of content to put together for our various business and depending on the project I am putting together I chose a different way to get through the creator’s block. Below I’ve put together all the separate ways I help spark creative ideas, brainstorming or decision making.

1. Instagram/Pinterest

Okay, so the most important thing to make clear here is that if you are trying to be productive probably skip this one. But if your goal is to brainstorm or be inspired then these two places are the perfect spots to go. With Pinterest it is pretty easy to stay focused as you can go to whatever board is connected to the project you are working on. Did you know you can also do that with your saved posts on Instagram? You can create folders and separate out all your inspiration in the saved post section.

2. Get outside

This one is Remi’s (our dog) favorite one by far! It usually means that he gets to have a walk around the yard, sniff all the sniffs and soak up the sun. No matter what project you are trying to tackle this one will always help. We like to pop outside if I’m writing and can’t figure out the next topic or if I’m stuck on brainstorming a color for a client. There is nothing like the inspiration of nature.

3. Create a mood board

This one is a great choice for designing spaces, starting new projects or redoing a current space. We love creating a mood board for all the design projects we do and find them to be super helpful when working with clients. They are also really easy to do. Start by putting all the items you are drawn to on a piece of paper or word document. Once you start gathering the things together, you’ll see how well they work or don’t. Then make edits from there!

4. Take your time

This one could also be known as just stopping for a bit. But that didn’t seem to roll of the tongue as well. So, let’s break this down. If you are feeling stuck and wish that the decisions were easier to make, then remember that houses take time. You see all these houses on tv and online coming together effortlessly and quickly but that is not real life. Your house will look it’s best when cultivated over time.

5. Magazine/ books/swatches

Alright so we covered the online inspiration, so we have to also talk about the hard copies as well. You may be surprised to hear but I prefer a hard copy magazine, book or swatch over online content. There is nothing like getting your hands-on colors, textures and fabrics to really understand each item. If you are looking for inspiration, then there is nothing like a good book or magazine to help get that creativity going.

6. Brain Dump

This one may be my favorite one. It is super easy and is really fulfilling not matter what project you are trying to accomplish. I use this is I am brainstorming the start to something, too distracted to focus on the current project or trying to see my way through a current project. I take whatever the topic is and write down everything that comes to my mind for 10 minutes or so. It helps clear away off topic thoughts, figure out your next steps and come up with a game plan.

Do you struggle with continually being creative? We hope that these tips help you with any creator’s block you may have.

Do you think we missed any tips? Leave us a comment – we’d love to hear from you!


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