Hello dear ones!
We recently talked about this concept on of our reels because we found the perfect audio and it wasn’t until we got an explosive amount of feedback that we realized we needed to write an entire post on it.
Alright, so why is practicing an important part when it comes to styling your home? Because practice makes progression. We are not here for perfection, so throw that out the window. We are here to grow, develop and learn as stylists. – no matter if you’ve been doing it for years or just starting out.
If you are still on the fence about how practicing can improve your design style, then check out the reasons below! Heck, even if you love styling and have been doing it for ages then these tips can reinforce what you’ve learned so far.
You can’t get better without practice
Alright, I know this sounds obvious, but I think it’s important to really nail this one home. Especially for first time home stylist because they can easily get discouraged at the beginning and not understanding why it’s not perfect right away. Think about when you are learning to shoot a basketball and need to keep practicing so you can learn the techniques correctly – this is the same thing!
Get comfortable with trial and error
This goes hand and hand with practice. The more times you ask yourself to style a space the more chances you have at trial and error. Don’t worry about the error part, you learn a lot in those moments as well. For every time you put something together you will learn something else that you didn’t know before.
You’ll start learning what you like
You may be in the beginning trials of practicing and feel like everything is errors but trust me, you will start to learn what you like. How – do you say? Well, the more options you show yourself the more chances you will have to learn what your eye (and therefore you) like! You are purely just in training so once you start to recognize vignettes you enjoy then make a note of them. Seriously! Write them down for you to reference later.
Start to add your own personality
Now you are beginning to define what your personal taste is, you are also finding exactly how to add your own personality to the mix. Do you enjoy color or neutrals? Complimentary items or contrasting ones? Minimal aesthetic or maximalism? And the list goes on and on. Also, don’t worry if you aren’t sure on any of these – just keep practicing! You will eventually find what jives with you. You will also grow into new and different styles as you go through the process – we have grown and changed a lot ourselves!
A small challenge to start you off
When we say challenge, it isn’t too hard so don’t worry about that – but it will be a great spot for you to start! You are going to do four different stylings over the course of a month. Choose one spot in your house (a nightstand, shelf, console able, etc.) and change up the styling every week. Have fun combining things such as books, lamps, trinkets, flowers and the list goes on. There are no rules! Try to use items you have, as this forces you to be creative and think outside of the box. Soon you will start to notice the shapes, proportions and layouts that you prefer!
Are you game? We are cheering you on from afar! If you do end up doing the challenge, then let us know in the comments. We would love to celebrate your wins!
There you go! Now you must be convinced that practicing works to help you progress your interior styling. Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments – we’d love to hear from you!
Waite and Matthew