5 secrets to Thrifting Artwork

Hiya there, friends!

I know that we have talked about our love of thrifting and all the spectacular benefits that come of it, but we haven’t focused on this one particular perk before. Artwork! There is nothing like the magic of finding the perfect piece.

If you love pieces that you find at big box stores, then great! We would suggest that you intersperse thrifted, inherited or purchased art throughout the home as well. It creates a more diverse and dynamic collection of pieces.

Now, let’s learn all the additional reasons thrifting artwork is a win-win!

1. Focus on Painted or Homemade

When you are building your artwork collection it will take time, so make sure to not put too much pressure on yourself. While you are in the process of doing this your best deals and finds will be when you come across true painted (not printed) items and handmade pieces such as embroidered or sculped. We always fall deeper in love with those pieces overtime!

2. Items with a Similar Story

So, this is more like guidelines because you absolutely do not need to stick to it for all design decisions. When items have similar stories, it means they all have the same colors or made of similar mediums or connect through depicting similar views. We love collecting artwork of gardens because they always look so lovely together.

3. Ignore the Frame

This one is a big one! Don’t pass on a spectacular piece of artwork if you hate the frame. There are so many things you can do with a frame to make it better! You can paint it, spray paint it, cut pieces off of it, add elements to it and it all else fails you can cut the artwork it and have it reframed or purchase a different frame to use.

4. Re-matting is Easy

This one may sound scary, but I promise it is not – it’s actually quite easy! Similar to reframing you can also remat the piece. The easiest way to do that is through finding another piece that is a similar size and taking the one you don’t want out and replacing it with the one you love. You can also have it professionally rematted as well, if your budget stretches that far.

5. Dig Deep to Find the Best Treasures

Okay, this one can pertain to all thrifting, but it is a good thing to consistently remind ourselves. Along with knowing that it will take time to build an art collection it will also include a lot of sifting through piles of not so nice items and lots of samesies pieces. It will always be the one at the bottom of the pile or hidden away that is the real treasure.

That’s it! Have you ever thrifted artwork before? If not, hopefully this will convince you that it is a worthwhile process and you’ll definitely be happier in the long run surrounded by all your beautiful pieces.


Waite and Matthew

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