Hello friends!
Today we are talking about two of my favorite things ever – thrifting and curtains! As you guys know we love a good thrift and believe that it is an integral part of any interior style.
But did you know that we feel the same way about curtains? There are certain rooms that need a curtain or drape to complete them and what better way to do that than to thrift them!
Not sure how to make sure that they work in your space? Well, read on my friends, we’ve got you covered!
1. Length of the curtain
Okay, so since we are talking about already made curtains the length of them can worry people. This is actually pretty easy! If the curtain is too long, it can be quickly hemmed with just one stich. If the curtain is shorter than expected, then you can do a couple things. You can move the rod (more on that later), add a different fabric to the curtains or choose a different line of sight (instead of the floor) to drop the curtain length to such as, the bottom of the window, above the floor molding, etc.
2. Width of the space
Well, if we chat about length then we also have to talk about width of the curtain as opposed to the width of the space, right? Yes. Absolutely we do. If you want added elegance the fuller the curtain the better. This means that the width of the curtain should be anywhere between 2 to 2.5 to 3 times wider than the width of the rod. If the curtains are just decorative and not being closed, then they could be less full, but we wouldn’t recommend it if they are being used.
3. Height of Curtain Rod
This one can be easy to determine but then can also be overwhelming so let’s break it down. The easiest way to decide on where your rod goes is by the height of your curtains. Our favorite look is for the curtains to just be brushing the ground and 6 to 8 inches off the window molding (depending on the size of the wall space). If they do not touch the ground and your rod is just above your window, then I would suggest putting the rod up higher (at least 6 inches off the molding) and then choosing a complementary spot for the length of the curtains to hit (such as the previously mentioned floor molding or lower window molding). Some people mount their rod hardware to right on the edge of the ceiling and if you like that look then great! I would make sure that the rod isn’t too far above the window that way it doesn’t look like it is floating.
4. Pattern of the Curtain
Ah, a pattern, we love a bold patterned curtain or drape. There is nothing like that magic of a luxurious fabric creating elegance in a room. We tend to go for bigger patterns on the drapes we choose because it is a good way to show off the whole pattern of the fabric as opposed to a pillow. If you want a more subtle feeling for the curtain, then a smaller print or textured solid would do just fine. Especially if there is an abundance of pattern in the rest of the room.
5. Colors in the Room
Color! Well of course we are going to chat about this. We love color and absolutely think that the curtains or drapes include color and the more the better! We love using drapes as the unifying item that includes all the colors of the color palette. This can make finding the perfect curtain or drape a bit trickier, especially when thrifting, but all the better when you find the ultimate pattern with your whole color palette. As you may know, it took us months of searching FB marketplace, thrift stores and eBay to find the right curtains for the snug.
There you go! Do you feel inspired to go thrift for some curtains? I hope so! IF you have any question let us know in the comments – we’d love to hear from you!
Waite and Matthew