A Little Update on our Lives

Hello there, friends!

Can you believe we are at the halfway mark of 2022? I kinda can’t believe how fast the time is flying – it’s crazy!

I don’t normally do a halfway through the year check in on goals and whatnot, but recently I’ve been alluding to (mostly in emails – have you noticed?) lots of new things going on at A Broad and A Brit and I thought now would be a good chance to catch you up on everything.

And basically, nothing is going to change. Hehe.

The funny part is that for a while there Matthew and I were going to radically change up our lives. Life is a weird rollercoaster, isn’t it?

So, what were we going to do? Well, I’ll tell ya!

Over the past year I have had multiple early miscarriages with the hardest one being right at the start of 2022. This topic could be many posts on their own, but I digress from the point of the story. Sending love to all my fellow friends who are struggling with this. Especially right now.

It was in January of 2022 after that miscarriage that Matthew and I started to discuss going on an adventure. We knew it would probably include being in the UK, so we started looking at our options.

We then found the magical world of narrow boating in the English canals. Okay, I was a newbie to it, Matthew had known about it all his life. Seriously, it is magical – look it up!

We both said that would be cool to do and then it turned into a serious conservation about would we move, what would we sell, etc. Eventually by March we had planned to put our house on the market in May, sell most of our things and head off to England to buy a boat.

I know it is radical and a little crazy to go do something we haven’t done before but that is just how we roll. It is how we’ve made most of our largest life decisions.

You may ask, but I thought nothing was going to change?

Right. And that is because when Matthew came back from his work trip to England (on the day we were going to put the house on the market) he had realized the UK is a very different country then when he left (among lots of other reasons and a whole different story) that option became one that wasn’t viable, so we started brainstorming another kind of adventure.

It was then that an unbelievable work opportunity fell into Matthew’s lap. It is local and one that gives us availability to focus on our own business as well as travel for extended periods of time.

Once we finalized that decision, we decided to not list our house and therefore continue building our dream home here while planning out many more mini adventures.

In Matthew’s new position he will be designing and creating a botanical garden at a local farm as well as pick your own berries, maple sugaring, beekeeping, trout fishing, cart cross racing, farm to table meals and all the other dreamy farm experiences.

We cannot wait to share the adventure of the growth of the farm as well as our own excursions into the world!

Now we get to decide whether we will do our mini travel America or Europe first! Which one is your vote? Send us recommendations in the comments – we’d love to hear from you!


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